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Nell Walker

Nell is a Pleasure Coach based in Waterloo (nellthepleasurecoach.com). Her journey into
pleasure coaching began after a trip to her home country of Zambia. Through intimate
conversations with rural Zambian women about their sexual pleasure, she realized women of all
backgrounds, cultural customs, and income brackets are facing similar concerns around their
sex lives. This lit a fire within Nell and she opened up her coaching to women (and people with
vulvas) to help guide them through their journey of claiming their pleasure power back.
Nell takes a fun and bubbly approach in her coaching. She works with clients not only to learn
techniques, positions, and tools to get the pleasure they want but also to unpack the shame, guilt,
fear, and trauma that so many women carry, which in turn sabotages their birthright to sexual

Nell has been interviewed by BuzzFeed and multiple podcasts on topics including orgasm,
syntribation, sexual abuse, and bedroom confidence. She also has her own podcast, Millennial
Triggered, and her work draws a significant online following.