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Thomas Anderson

Thomas  Harold Anderson  was born February  27th, 1997 at the Old  Henderson hospital in Hamilton, Ontario.  For the majority of his life, Thomas has  lived at the Six Nations reserve, or Ohsweken. He  was born into the Cayuga nation and is of the turtle  clan. His traditional name is “Sendegehya:t”, which means “He  carries the Night on his back”. Early on in life there were  signs of Thomas’ creativity starting in kindergarten, where he was able  to create forms and basic details in drawings. Though he showed talent in  art, he never thought to pursue it until later on in his life. In his 8th  grade is when he started to draw again, thanks to an art course at J.C.Hill elementary  school. He started to draw in a notebook and he started to see what has always been there.  He showed his mom his drawings and she was impressed, then he showed them to his grandpa, Jagwadeth  Sandy, and he too was impressed. Noticing the passion and detail, he took Thomas to get his first sketch  book. From that day forward, Thomas has chosen the path of the passion that had always been with him but  never known.